Comfortable bed with new mattress in room. Healthy sleep

Best Cleaning Practices to Keep Your Mattress Fresh

Cleaning your mattress fresh is an essential task that most owners always seem to overlook. However, it is crucial if you want your bed to stay fresh and more importantly, keep health. This way you have to know the best mattress cleaning practices in Toronto.

Regular cleaning of your mattress can help you avoid contaminants such as dust, bacteria, allergens, odours and mould. Washing your sheets regularly is a start. Your pillows and pillowcases also need to be cleaned. However, that’s not all. There are more significant issues such as spots, odours and stains that you may have to contend with. 

The only way you can combat these issues is to clean your mattress routinely using the best cleaning methods for Toronto residents. You may even need a mattress protector or a casing as time goes on. 

This article contains information on the best ways to clean your mattress, when to clean your mattress fresh and how to get rid of odours and stains. However, you should know. There are some mattress stains that just will not leave. Some times, you will find that your best option is to buy a new mattress and take better care of that one.


When do you need to clean your mattress?

How do you know when to clean your mattress fresh? Sure, you may be well aware of the best mattress cleaning practices available in Toronto. However, it is of no use if you know when to clean it.

Below are a few signs that you need to take type scrubs to your bed.


For the best sleeping experience, you need to keep your mattress fresh every few months. It’s the only way you can keep it fresh and enjoy your sleeping experience.

Allergy symptoms

The buildup of dust in your mattress can constitute a nuisance for you in the form of allergies. This can cause you to have a restless sleeping experience. 

If you notice that you feel allergy symptoms while sleeping or mainly when you are in bed, it’s time to get out of your cleaning brushes. Alternatively, you can take your mattress to a cleaning service in Toronto.

Bug bites 

Most of the time, an infestation of bed bugs is not evident, especially when it’s just beginning. However, if you notice tiny blood spots on your body, itchy lumps and usual bite spots, it’s time to change your bed. 


Over time, the buildup of sweat, dust and excess skin can cause your bed to smell. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It just means that the right time to clean your mattress is now. Odours emanating from your mattress can be disruptive to your sleeping patterns. In fact, they are a sign that there is a bigger problem at hand.

Visible stains

Stains are not a part of your mattress. When you notice that your mattress is becoming home to stains of different shapes and sizes, it is time to clean to your bed.


Beat cleaning practices to keep your mattress fresh

Keeping your bed clean doesn’t have to be a monthly ritual. If you do it just right, you can keep your mattress fresh as possible without having to go through the rigours of in-depth cleaning.

Here are some of the best cleaning activities that will keep the mattress fresh in your Toronto home as clean as possible.

Change your sheets

Your bed sheets must be washed with warm water every two weeks. That’s one way to keep your mattress fresh and clean. In fact, it is recommended that you change them more often if you have been through a sick episode. Also, if you sweat excessively, you should change your mattress regularly.

Vacuum your mattress

A simple vacuum run over your bed can give you excellent results in terms of keeping dust and dirt away from your mattress. You may need to press the vacuum firmly into your mattress to get into the nitty-gritty of the dirt in your bed. However, when you are sleeping the next night comfortably, you’ll thank yourself for it.

Clean spills immediately 

Immediately you spill liquids on your mattress, it is advisable that you take care of it immediately. Hose down stains and use foam to get the liquid out.

Air your mattress 

Cool breeze and sunshine are some of the best ways to get rid of odours and stains in your bedding. Wait for a bright, sunny day and find a nice clean spot to spread your mattress. Even if you can’t carry out your mattress, simply keeping it near an open window can do wonders for it.

Don’t make your bed immediately

After waking up, leave your bed undone for as many any thirty minutes. This way, you can air out your mattress for a few minutes. While you are getting ready for the day, you can go as far as pulling the sheets out of the corners completely. This way, odour and moisture can escape completely before you make your bed.

Avoid sweating excessively

Everyone sweats. It’s not a big deal. However, the problem for your mattress comes in when you wake up with your bedspread soaked. This can be especially problematic for your bed. It can even encourage the growth and development of mildew and mould.

Try to make excessive sweating in bed a rarity. Adjust the thermostat on your HVAC, wear different clothes to sleep, go for lighter and more comfortable sheets. Your mattress will thank you for it. 


How to get rid of stains and odour in your mattress

Below are the best cleaning practices to make sure that your Toronto mattress is devoid of odours and stains. If these activities are too tasking for you, then you should totally consider finding top cleaning services in Toronto and its environs.

Wash your mattress every six months 

There are no two ways about it. If you want to make sure that your bed is always clean, you have to wash it regularly. Take a brush to your mattress twice every year scrubbing, and you are good to go. You can go as far as using baking soda to wash your mattress. It will help remove any foul smells.

Blot thoroughly

There is no crime in pouring liquid on your mattress. The crime comes when you refuse to blot carefully. Blotting your mattress thoroughly will help make sure that you remove any fluids before they soak into your bed. You can do this with a clean towel.

Spray with a dish detergent mix 

From time to time, you can get rid of spots and stains in your mattress when you notice them. A 50/50 mix that comprises water and dish detergent is an efficient fix.

Spray the mix, allow it to sit and scrub a few times. This is one of the best mattress cleaning practices for Toronto residents that will keep your mattress as good as new.


In summary

Your mattress should always look as good as new. Or as close to it as possible. Makes sure that you follow the cleaning practices listed above. Alternatively, you can take your mattress to a cleaning service periodically. Getting a good night’s sleep is a must. And if your mattress is too worn down, consider getting a new one. Contact as at Sleep Masters to get your fresh set of a mattress. Keep your mattress fresh!